~ All volunteers 18 and over will be subject to background checks. ~
Volunteer at your local branch
Contact staff at the library location where you want to volunteer.
Fill out Ventura County Library Volunteer Application.
Volunteer for Children's Programs
Volunteers assist students with their homework projects at homework centers at many of our libraries. Each center has a Homework Coordinator who will train and assist volunteers.
Each year, thousands of children participate in Summer Reading. The Library recruits young adults, ages 13 to 17, May - June, to assist children in signing up for Summer Reading. Visit the Teen Volunteers page for information about additional volunteer opportunities for young adults.
Become a READ tutor for adults
The Library tutors adults in reading. No prior teaching experience is required, as the Library will train you. If you are interested in being a student or tutor, visit our READ Adult Literacy Program web pages.
Thinking about volunteering?
Become a Friend of the Library
The Ventura County Library has Friends groups helping to support the library with fund-raising activities such as book sales. All money earned by the Friends is given to the libraries. Visit the Friends of the Library page for the name of the contact person for your local Friends group.
Work at a Friends' bookstore.
Library Internships
Are unpaid and are available for graduate students in Library and Information Science who may participate in services and projects in several areas, including Youth Services, Collections & Technical Services, Adult Services, Library IT, Literacy Services, or Branch Services.
Multiple internships per semester may be offered.
Interested students may contact the Library at (805) 677-7150.
Contact the Ventura County Library Foundation about becoming a board member.
See the County of Ventura's Volunteer page.
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