Create your exclusive book club with these kits that come fully loaded with all the essentials!
All Ventura County Libraries are closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Todas las sucursales de la Biblioteca del Condado de Ventura estarán cerradas el lunes 17 de febrero en conmemoración del Día de los Presidentes.
Create your exclusive book club with these kits that come fully loaded with all the essentials!
Provided through a partnership with 3C-REN (Tri-County Regional Energy Network), induction cooktops are the quicker, safer, more climate-friendly way to cook!
Simple DIY home improvements can help increase the energy efficiency of your home to make it more comfortable, affordable, resilient, and better for the planet.
Curious about how you can save water? Congratulations! That’s the first step toward water conservation.
Do It Yourself (DIY) Water Savings Toolkit - Policy and Waiver
Fossils are like nature's time capsules, capturing ancient life forms in various forms: actual remains, carbon imprints, petrified bones, molds, casts, and even traces of activities like footprints or insect nibbles on ancient leaves.
Ever dreamed of knitting your very own socks or a cozy sweater? Dive into these cool knitting kits!
In partnership with California State Parks and the California State Library, free State Parks vehicle-day use passes are available for circulation to help Californians access beautiful parks, lakes, beaches, and monuments in the State Parks system
Enjoy strumming a real ukulele! Check out and experience learning to play an instrument.