All Libraries Closed on January 20, 2025

All Ventura County Libraries will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Todas las sucursales de la Biblioteca del Condado de Ventura estarán cerradas el lunes 20 de enero en conmemoración del Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.


Piru Library closed on Wednesday, January 15

The Piru Library is closed due to a Public Safety Power Shut-Off (PSPS).

La Biblioteca Piru está cerrada debido a una interrupción del suministro eléctrico por motivos de seguridad pública (PSPS).

Computer, Internet Wireless Access Policy

The Ventura County Library (VCL) strives to close the Digital Divide by making computer and Internet access available for all. This policy guides access to computers and the Internet offered through the VCL. VCL offers access to computers and the Internet at the library facilities as well as by loan in the library collections. 

VCL values intellectual freedom. The Internet offers legitimate, helpful, and educational information. The Internet may contain material of a controversial nature. VCL offers patrons options for Internet access that protect individual intellectual freedom that is also compliant with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires libraries to protect minors from inappropriate material. 

However, the Library cannot control the Internet or its contents. VCL neither censors adult access to material nor protects adult users from information that they find offensive. 

Privacy: Patrons may be required to use their library barcodes to access the public computers, library Wi-Fi, to borrow computers, or Wi-Fi hotspots for remote use. 

The Library does not keep records of patrons' Internet use or computing information; the library gathers statistical information only on use of public computers. Privacy screens are available for use within the Library for patron security and confidentiality. Ventura County agencies under the authority of the Governor are required to adhere to the Privacy Policy which is also accessible on this website . 

Internet Safety: Parents and guardians of minors 17 and under are responsible for their child's use of the Internet at the library. The Library offers filtered Internet access for minors. Filtered Internet access is software that attempts to block sites that parents typically find objectionable for minors. 

  • No filtering software package is 100% effective. The Library cannot and does not guarantee that the filtering software will block all objectionable material 
  • Minors are provided filtered access to Internet computers. The library staff may request identification for age verification. Individuals without appropriate identification will be restricted to a filtered computer for access. 
  • Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to monitor their minor child on any library workstation especially if child is accessing internet communication, email, or chat rooms
Download Policy